We are constantly bombarded with images of perfect willow looking girls who live the lives we all want to live. These images are plastered on buses, in the magazine pages we turn every day, projected onto our television screens into our humble homes and are sure to be found everywhere on the internet. We live in a modern society that seems to be relentlessly promoting the idealisation of thinness and how this equates to success.

I chose to study and investigate the huge umbrella term "MEDIA" as a factor that may be contributing to eating disorders and obesity levels in teenagers.
A study of the content of “seventeen” magazine found that consistently over many years the largest percentage of pages was devoted to articles about appearance, is this something that is triggering the rise in eating disorders and killing teenage girls self esteem? Or are the one minute commercials that present us with supersize burger deals, more intoxicating to our bodies than the cigarette we where just offered from our friend?
I decided to break down media into television, magazines and other as there are so many different types of mass media.

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